  • 安静的乡村女人正片

  • 片名:安静的乡村女人
  • 状态:更新至1集高清在线观看
  • 主演:西尔维娅·迪奥尼西奥/菲利普·勒鲁瓦/卡门·斯卡尔佩特/Christian Borromeo
  • 导演:Claudio Giorgi
  • 年份:1980
  • 区域:意大利
  • 类型:剧情
  • 时长:91分钟
  • 首映:1980
  • 字幕:意大利语
  • 豆瓣:5.3
  • 补充:2023-05-16
  • 访问:1
  • 标题:《安静的乡村女人》一部映射意味浓厚的影片 在线影院免费高清观看
  • 概览:Italy, late 1930s. The Mussolini regime was sent to Italy to participate in the Spanish Civil War. Against the backdrop of a peaceful village landscape, behind the walls of an ancient farmhouse, Florianna created her own dictatorship: everything was run by her brother Guido, who unquestionably obeyed his wishes www.molikan.com. He believed that all the women around him were his property, and as the rooster in the henhouse, he constantly confirmed this action. His youngest son Alberto is his problem - everything is different from his father. He dreams of getting rid of authoritarian rule. When his beautiful cousin Gloria arrived at the estate, a novel flashed between the young people. Guido learned that his sister would bequeath her inheritance to his unworthy son. This foreshadows a tragic ending.

