

A Hometown in Heart


  • 片名:心中的故乡
  • 状态:更新至1集
  • 主演:Choi Eun-Hee/ Byeon Ki-Jong/ Yoo Min/ Kim Seon-Young/ Seok Keum-Seong/ Nam Seung-Min
  • 导演:尹龙奎
  • 年份:1949
  • 区域:韩国
  • 类型:剧情
  • 时长:76分钟
  • 首映:1949-02-09(韩国)
  • 字幕:韩语
  • 补充:2024-04-23 15:53
  • 豆瓣:0.0
  • 概览:Synopsis: Do seong (Yoo Min) is a young monk who lives in a small mountain temple with the chief monk (Byeon Ki jong) and learns the teachings of the Buddha. He fell in love with a young widow (Cui Enxi) who came to the temple to pray. The childless widow pleaded with the chief monk to let her raise Daocheng. When Do seong's biological mother (Kim Seon young) appeared, conflict ensued, but for her son's future, she left the temple. On the day the widow wanted to bring the child down from the mountain, the monk discovered that Daocheng had trapped and killed a bird, and decided not to let the boy enter the secular world. When Do seong discovered that his biological mother had been to the temple, he began searching for her. Note: "This film is recognized for its photography and directing, which eliminates sentimentality and captures the peaceful life of a mountain temple without affectation." Hometown in the Heart "demonstrates the photography and directing skills of films that emerged after the liberation of South Korea." Hometown in the Heart ", adapted from the playwright Han Shide's" Little Monk "(played by Dong seung), was once released, known as" Hometown in the Heart " "A masterpiece that marks a new peak in Korean film production after the liberation of China" avoids the sadness of the new school and silently expresses a boy's desire for maternal love. Against the background of a quiet mountain temple, it presents the daily life of three generations - a monk, a young monk, and a child. The film director Han Xianmo used long lenses to capture the beautiful scenery of the mountain temple from a distance, which was praised at the time. In addition, Each character in the film is convincingly portrayed through Yin Yongkui's clever guidance. In particular, this scene expresses Do seong's desperate desire for maternal love, as well as his biological mother's past experiences in going to the temple. Combining them into a dream sequence, it reveals his deep consideration for expressing stories and emotions through compressed visual grammar, rather than tending to be sentimental. In the final scene of the movie, Tao Cheng wakes up from his dream and embarks on the path of finding his mother, which is both touching and beautiful. The film also stars Choi Eun-hee, who plays a young widow who embraces Do seong with her love and enthusiasm, her first role. Postscript: Li Kangsu wrote under the pseudonym Kwak Il byeong. He first adapted the screenplay of "The Little Monk" by playwright Hamstad (played by Dong seung), and then the director added additional embellishments to make it appear on the screen.
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  • 心中的故乡 图1
  • 心中的故乡 图2
  • 心中的故乡 图3
  • 心中的故乡 图4
  • 心中的故乡 图5


 网友收藏【我看过并收藏分享的影视剧】已发电影(全)韓國映畫100選 (2014)【已有资源】ak片单|韩国电影TOP100
Synopsis: Do seong (Yoo Min) is a young monk who lives in a small mountain temple with the chief monk (Byeon Ki jong) and learns the teachings of the Buddha. He fell in love with a young widow (Cui Enxi) who came to the temple to pray. The childless widow pleaded with the chief monk to let her raise Daocheng. When Do seong's biological mother (Kim Seon young) appeared, conflict ensued, but for her son's future, she left the temple. On the day the widow wanted to bring the child down from the mountain, the monk discovered that Daocheng had trapped and killed a bird, and decided not to let the boy enter the secular world. When Do seong discovered that his biological mother had been to the temple, he began searching for her. Note: "This film is recognized for its photography and directing, which eliminates sentimentality and captures the peaceful life of a mountain temple without affectation." Hometown in the Heart "demonstrates the photography and directing skills of films that emerged after the liberation of South Korea." Hometown in the Heart ", adapted from the playwright Han Shide's" Little Monk "(played by Dong seung), was once released, known as" Hometown in the Heart " "A masterpiece that marks a new peak in Korean film production after the liberation of China" avoids the sadness of the new school and silently expresses a boy's desire for maternal love. Against the background of a quiet mountain temple, it presents the daily life of three generations - a monk, a young monk, and a child. The film director Han Xianmo used long lenses to capture the beautiful scenery of the mountain temple from a distance, which was praised at the time. In addition, Each character in the film is convincingly portrayed through Yin Yongkui's clever guidance. In particular, this scene expresses Do seong's desperate desire for maternal love, as well as his biological mother's past experiences in going to the temple. Combining them into a dream sequence, it reveals his deep consideration for expressing stories and emotions through compressed visual grammar, rather than tending to be sentimental. In the final scene of the movie, Tao Cheng wakes up from his dream and embarks on the path of finding his mother, which is both touching and beautiful. The film also stars Choi Eun-hee, who plays a young widow who embraces Do seong with her love and enthusiasm, her first role. Postscript: Li Kangsu wrote under the pseudonym Kwak Il byeong. He first adapted the screenplay of "The Little Monk" by playwright Hamstad (played by Dong seung), and then the director added additional embellishments to make it appear on the screen.


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